I'm delightful to say that I won Two First prizes at the Pastel Society of Australia's Annual Award Show in 2024.
The prizes were #1. First prize: Animal section online division with Majestic Stride and #2. First Prize: Portrait section online division with Young Indian Girl.
Young Indian Girl was from a photograph by the very talented Susan Moss who generously gave me permission to paint it. See more about Susan here: https://www.facebook.com/photographybysusanmoss/

Judges comments:
Majestic Stride - The strength of the lion is reflected in the impressionist strokes. The pattern in the negative area into the subject gives movement.
Young Indian Girl - Chosen for the successful impression of innocence; detail and movement especially in the hair

In April 2024 I won the MP/AP section of our monthly zoom competition with my "life Drawing Sketch in Pastels"